Get Your Hands on the New Release!

Sage Intacct 2018 Release 3

Sage Intacct is always looking for new technologies and process innovations to anticipate your evolving needs and bring the best value to you. To that end, Sage Intacct has just released its latest update, Sage Intacct 2018 Release 3, for its award-winning cloud financial management platform.

As Sage Intacct Specialists, we can help you implement the new features and ensure that you are getting the most out of your program. We’ll walk you through the new most important new features, how these can impact your businesses success, and how we can help.

Release Highlights

Spend Management

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to know about spending proactively, instead of finding out you’re over budget after the fact? Now you can! Release 3 has several features that will help you track your budget and spending in real time. Email warnings alert key staff members to potential budget issues, allowing for more accurate tracking and quicker response times. The system now also has “warn” and “stop” functions that will let you know when a transaction is going to exceed the budget.

Another new feature is the ability to allow others to have insight into the budget. You can now set permissions that will allow certain users to have insight into the budget so that department or program managers can know about shortages and overages when making purchases as well. This will enable others to make informed decisions about spending without having to go to their superiors for the information. It will also allow you to look more deeply into the budget before there are any surprises.

Ask us how to put Spend Management to work in your organization.  



Salesforce Integration

The CRM integration functions have been updated and extended to ensure a seamless user experience. Release 3 includes Smart  Sync, which knows when contacts and accounts are synced to Sage Intacct and will automatically trigger and update when these specific fields are populated. This will help ensure that your accounts and contacts are always up-to-date in Sage Intacct. There are also changes to the Mass Synchronization tool. The filter now narrows search results instead of expanding them, which allows for more selectivity.

Additionally, you can now specify which employees see certain fields based on their roles. These layout customizations will streamline the process and ensure that employees are only seeing information they need. This also saves time because you no longer need to build custom page layouts for specific users.

Release 3 has also synchronized the Salesforce updating process. There is now increased flexibility for process automation through advanced CRM fields in the Salesforce Process Builder. The process builder can now use Native Intacct sync functions to map out a workflow using Salesforce’s process builder. This will increase data accuracy and simplify processes in the front and back offices.

Learn more about Sage Intacct’s Advanced CRM Integration.

Reporting and Insights

FASB has issued new rules for nonprofit accounting and reporting, and it just so happens Sage Intacct’s Release 3 for 2018 has updated features for not-for-profit customers! They have included out-of-the-box reports, dashboards, and account categories to help NFP customers transition to the new FASB guidelines, which are set to take effect at the end of 2018. There are four new revenue categories that will help with compliance by giving your revenue more detail. These updates will help you comply with the new guidelines efficiently since they are built into your processes.

As Sage Intacct NFP experts, Revolution Accounting professionals can help you put these features into service and get them configured for your organization ahead of the new FASB deadlines for reporting.

Improved Search

There is also a new search feature that will make an industry-leading Help function that much better. Release 3 has targeted search results, in-depth troubleshooting, as well as new training courses and self-paced videos that are available from the training center.

These are just some of the features that have been updated, but for more information on the Sage Intacct 2018 Release 3, click here. If you need assistance or have further questions about the features of Release 3, contact us at Revolution to help. If you’re not yet a Sage Intacct user, what are you waiting for? Become one and take advantage of all these features and more. Talk to us about how we can improve your systems and make your life easier.